Happy 4/20 everyone! Can you smell the Hippies?
As a reformed Hippy myself, I have great insight on their world and feel obligated to critique the culture.
What a strange holiday April 20th is. On 4/20 you are supposed to break the law with all of your friends, but as far as I can tell there is no real reason to do it. There is a lot of speculation about where the date's importance comes from, but no one really knows and I don't think anyone really cares. Wikipedia claims that the date and time originated with some high schoolers who would smoke after getting out of detention at 4:20 every day, but I've heard plenty of other ones involving Hitler's birthday and other even more outlandish origins.
Do Hippies really even need an excuse to smoke some grass? No, no they don't. As protest I am making a point of not smoking grass and telling anyone who asks me to that this is a dumb holiday. 4/20 is similar to Christmas and Easter, maybe it meant something to someone at some point, but now its just a reason for misguided idealists to embrace consumerism. While you may not want to hear this, dealing drugs is a business just like the Frito-Lay Corporation, the company that sells Funyuns and other such popular stoner snacks. Way to break the mold, kids.
wow dude. A solid writer, good intellect, and a sturdy case. You were never a hippie!
but i played a good one in movies
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