We had powerpoint presentations for class on wednesday of last week where we were being evaluated by our peers. Mine was on sleep deprivation. I got my evaluations and they were ok, all of them besides one. I got to read a page of cold, odd insults which I will now quote:
Did he give a clear and organized presentation? Was it easy to find the main point of supporting points? Did they stick to the main points?
"No. No. Yes. He did not go off-topic." (this is where i started getting a feeling that this person thought they were better than me, complete sentence? come on!)
Explained connection between the research and project?
"No. He did not mention his project." (to be fair, i didn't and almost no one else did either)
Made good use of visual aids?
"Made adequate use. The images could have been better." (btw those images were AWESOME)
Used the time well?
(Here's the best part)
Had good personal demeanor?
"No. He was twitchy, ill groomed, and hesitant. He was not confident."
(Yes, I am twitchy and ill-groomed. They should string me up for that. What, should I get a fucking haircut before I go to do a powerpoint presentation? I couldn't take anything this person had said in the evaluation seriously anymore. Who says that?)
"Fairly. He could not quote sources."
(WTF? I thought we weren't supposed to write out a speech for our presentations. I thought paraphrasing would be good enough.)
What was the best about this presentation?
"The information" (sleep dep is pretty interesting)
One suggestion for improvement?
"He should know his sources and be able to quote them." (and that receives a big 'fuck you' stamp)
is it just me or is it inappropriate to call someone "twitchy and ill-groomed." The first time reading it I was incensed, but then I realized that this person must be upset with me,(is that possible) crazy, or socially retarded to say something like that. I have my theories on whodunnit, but what good is caring about it going to do. If I want to follow the life path of an artist, I need to be prepared to take harsh and ridiculous criticisms. That doesn't mean I can't give those people harsh and ridiculous criticisms right back and in a completely vindictive way. I gave the suspected ridiculing party some scathing criticism. (Allow me to paraphrase: Your presentation felt very canned, make it feel more natural and make us more interested in your topic. kthxbye)
Wow wow wow! I can't believe someone would be so... so mean! I wonder who would say something so personal and pissy in writing or otherwise? Wow. Oh man, I love the flame thrower part Bri.
TY. It just flowed thru me like I was angry or something
To be fair, the question :"Had good personal demeanor?" is asking for exactly the kind of response you got. The other kind of answers would have been equally weird, though perhaps less rude.
"His beard and shirt looked really good. I was so turned on!"
"I could definitely tell he dressed up more than usual today. My notes on his previous appearance had always marked him as around 7 but today I would definitely upgrade to 'lookin' good!"
and maybe
"I HATE HIS DEMEANOR! It was so PERSONAL and DEMEANOR...ed and it was not Good! DO YOU HEAR ME? My answer is: NOT GOOD!
okay...I'm having fun now. :)
I'm sure you did fine. If you do it again, i might recommend that better questions be asked.
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