Monday, January 5, 2009

The History of Superimposed mouths

You may have noticed over the last several years the superimposition of mouths on characters in photos and video. This interests me.

The superimposition of mouths on images has its roots in the internet and probably began with the mass distribution of illegitimate copies of Adobe Photoshop. At this point, any bored person could waste endless hours creating hilarious/dumb/ridiculous images.

Here's one good example.

Some believe this started as a nod to the cult classic, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Though this makes sense temporally, this cannot be what happened. If the movie were to be referenced on the internet, it would be made fun of. The art of homage is lost on the great world wide web. This is why we must search for our sources elsewhere. To Wikipedia!

From what I can tell, this area was largely pioneered by Joel Vietch, owner of His early work didn't use many superimposed things. A video(spoonguard) I remember from my childhood was one of his early experiments in using single elements of a face for superimposition. (ban spoonguard) It advanced further during the spongmonkey years as the meme began to pick up commercial attention. This may have been the first internet meme to make it into the mainstream. Maybe you remember this commercial:

After many years of flying under my radar, this year i have found a much more advanced use of superimposed mouths. In these videos they use video of a human mouth superimposed on animals faces.

Or roadkill faces

These things get played out pretty quickly


courtle said...

I found the 2nd vid you have by way of (a more polite British version of Something Awful), which is the site that introduced me to Joel Veitch, so I think it is rather woo.
I maybe would have liked that last vid were I studying pediatrics? Maybe not.

BriKi said...

nobody would like that last vid. Ever.