Friday, February 27, 2009


Turbonegro sounds like a cyborg name, but it is actually a Swedish butt rock band.
My friend Jason just showed them to me and I am really happy. I recommend you listen to them because they are cool.

Also, just in case you didn't know, Butt rock is a child of metal and rock with nice clean vocals and dirty fucking lyrics. It is so gooooood. EETZ LIKE CANDY

Here are some youtubes:


Can You dig it?


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thank You Linda Bean

At Pike Place Market in Seattle, I found a tile that said, "Thank You Linda Bean"

This is what started the search that I've been undertaking for the past hour. The question, "Who is Linda Bean?" and "Why does she have such an entertaining name?"

My first google search brought me to Maine, with the headline "Linda Bean expands her lobster holdings" as the first hit. Intriguing. I dove in.
I cared little for the talk of a Linda Bean and her lobsters. Lobster economics matter little to me for four reasons: I don't eat meat, I think lobster tastes shitty, I don't fish for lobster, and lobsters scream while being cooked.
What are the chances that the Linda Bean of Pike Place's floor tiles would be the same Linda Bean that loves eating strange, bug-like creatures from the ocean floor. I continued my search.

The next hit is Linda Bean's Perfect Maine, a site where Linda talks about lobsters, (Homarus americanus) and lobstering. This is also irrelevant to the Great Pacific Northwest. NEXT!

The next hit is Artist Linda Bean's Web Page. She is described as "Linda Bean, a Northwest Artist. Oil/Acrylic, Colorist." in the abstract on google. Upon investigating the site, one discovers a pile of gushy crap and meaningless impressionism. Not my cup of tea although it does look very nice. I'm guessing that she is the person referenced by the tile and I doubt that this is the same person as the lobster lubber from before, but I want to be sure.

The next hit is a video of the first Linda on QVC "promoting her new Lobster Stew," yawn. NEXT.

The final hit that I am interested in is the New York Times' article on Linda Lorraine Bean (turns out to be the first Linda Bean) and her conservative philosophy. This is the L.L. in L.L. Bean.
Ms. Bean is an outspoken conservative. She is opposed to abortion rights, gay rights legislation and gun control, and she believes in Ronald Reagan's program that tax cuts will spur economic growth and lower the deficit.
Would she really be recognized by the Pike Place Market?

Hell, I don't know. The trail of bread crumbs ends there. HAH!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I was sitting in class to day and made this. The funny part is that my work wasn't completely off topic. We are making collages as we speak in a tutorial on Photoshop. I've never used THAT program before....

So, good Public Service announcement or no?


So, I still don't have internet at my house. I'm really looking forward to this happening. When I have internet at my house I can bombard you with the many uninteresting details of my life, but until then you'll just have to suffer in the dim, post-apocalyptic, sunshine of my love.

My life is written in Eric Clapton songs.

I finished my graphic novella and will be putting it up on the blog as soon as possible. This is also true of about a million other things. I still haven't been able to put up my hybrids and cyborgs, or the interesting things in my notebook.

I got a new microphone recently and therefore have a much better ability to record music. I hope you'll be able to hear some of that soon. I've only had time to record one song on it, but spring break is coming up soon.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New House

Well, I just finished getting moved into my new house. (Maybe pictures later) No more screaming children to wake me up at 5 in the morning. No more wanting to make coffee and not being able to get to the machine due to mounds of dirty dishes. No more constant fear of sickness due to children. No more diapers. No more vegetarian bashing. No more alcoholics. No more drama. (hopefully)
Makes me feel like this

Friday, February 6, 2009

Another way to waste your time

I found what may possibly be the coolest flash game ever.
This my friends, is dino run
I really wouldn't start a game unless you have several hours to blow

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Comic Making - The Bandwagon

I am jumping on the bandwagon. All of my friends (gross exaggeration) have been making comics and so I am also making one.
Funny thing:
Mine is also an assignment for class. I hope to soon share it with you all.
It's my adaptation of The Ugly Duckling using moths, caterpillars and another SURPRISE
CHARACTER. It will later be made into an animation.

I am excited