Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This Is It, This is Dilemma

I finally feel I have the time, energy and motivation to make this post.
This is a legitimate attempt at showing you my final installation, even though it is impossible to fully understand it without seeing it in person.
To get close, you should try setting up an uncomfortable chair in front of your computer and cover it with a blanket or bed-sheet. Make sure your computer is higher than your head when sitting down. Now, run the animation while simultaneously looking at the pictures. Congratulations, that is the closest you are going to get to seeing the original ever again.
The artist statement is laying on a table with a coffee stained newspaper, a painted coffee cup, and a sketchbook:

Brian King works in many mediums including poetry, music, drawing, painting, animation, and soon film. His works often deal with the appropriation of culture and the degentrification of the prestige class. He is also interested with the subtle reflexivity of any piece of art.
Brian’s installation, “Dilemma,” is a culmination of his studies on the subject of sleep deprivation, a problem he’d become all too familiar with. The installation consists of an animation, two paintings, and a recreation of a living room. This piece is intended to recreate the feelings of a sleep deprived person in the viewer, simultaneously giddy and distressed.
The pixilation, a type of stop motion animation where humans are posed instead of other types of objects, is displayed on a monitor. It is a representation of the (more-likely-than-not) sleep deprived viewer. The paintings appear on either side of the monitor and represent the mood swings and alterations in perception of the world associated with being sleep deprived. These pieces are arranged before a set of uncomfortable chairs. When combined, these pieces create a feeling similar to that of sleep deprivation.

The animation is playing on the screen while the paintings are displayed to the left of the monitor.

I've been considering putting this up again in another location with a little more control. Student shows aren't very high priority for resources.


courtle said...

if it is up anywhere else let me know, i would love to see it.

BriKi said...
