Friday, July 3, 2009

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

I went to see Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen tonight and was so enthusiastic about it I had to write this post.

Transformers 2 sucks.
not just regular sucks, it sucks in the kind of way that you feel ill afterward. It sucks in a way that makes me wish Michael Bay would lose his eyes and therefore his ability to direct.
It takes hard work to really get me going about a movie, I'm pretty easy going and I have a sick fascination with really bad movies (Snakes on a Plane, The Scary Movie Series, The Final Destination series, anything by the guys who did the Thumb movies and Kung Pow!, and anything from Tromaville, etc.)
Where Snakes on a Plane acknowledged its badness, T2:ROTF was unclear. Could anyone actually create something so bad and not recognize how awful it is?
Rotten Tomatoes said: "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a noisy, underplotted, and overlong special effects extravaganza that lacks a human touch." I am honestly surprised that this movie is TOPPING THE BOX OFFICE.
Fair, but that is missing a few points. The cinematography is insane AND inane. There is a whole sequence of the camera going through holes in walls and doors in a circle. The camera moved even when a simple stationary shot would have done fine, or even better.
I also found myself getting bored as I was watching the movie. (This IS a blockbuster, right?) My friend Charlie started nodding off and his roommate Derek straight up fell asleep.
I honestly expected better after the first movie, a half self-aware comedy, half fun-guns-action flick. For those of you who didn't know, Michael Bay is a hack, and T2:ROTF is a steaming pile. Happy Independence Day Weekend!


Ben Jammin said...

Thanks for the heads up homes :)

BriKi said...
