Thursday, May 28, 2009

Art show

My art is going to be in a show on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Mine will be an installation up on the 4th floor of Sem II E Building at that point it should be obvious I think. Come see it and eat the food that will probably be available.

My installation is about Sleep Deprivation, it should be good. I hope you can see and do like it if you do in fact see it.

Secret Joys

I get joy from opening my email every couple days and seeing an email from a member telling me that I did a good job. I get joy from this because I almost never open their emails, just every once in a while when the heading piques my interest. Headlines like, "You Made It Happen" or "Victory for Seals" only get me to smile and look at the screen like i did something important.

Its like free candy for my ego, I love the shit out of it. I also makes me a terrible activist. OH WELL!

Monday, May 25, 2009


I'm going to be showcasing almost all of my artistic skills in the next two weeks in various iterations. There'll be a concert I'm opening on Saturday May 30th with 'Pashaw!' It's my first concert and I'm really excited. I even made a flyer even though it is a small show for only a few people. I'm a nerd.

I will also be having an installation at my class art show Wednesday June 3rd through the end of the week. Contact me if you want to come to the opening.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Half Expect...

I half expect everyone to have something change about their appearance between our meetings. Maybe this is due to my own frequently changing facial hair, but its strange.
I won't name names but I expect that the next time I see one of my female friends, she'll have a mustache. This odd feeling may have been inspired by Charlie's picture of himself with a big fake mustache.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Am So Inspired

that I needed to share this again.

A week or more ago I posted a website from my swarm (websites I check regularly) in this post. I had only visited it once or twice and it was already on its way to becoming another facebook for me.

The Sixty-one
For a music geek like me, this is a great website. They have a constantly growing music selection of mostly indie and self-produced music, but also of some more popular, borderline MTV bands like 'Band of Horses' and 'Ratatat.'
It also offers a sort of democratic selection of what is good and incentives for the really big geeks like me.
Are you ready for the kicker?

There is an RPG aspect to the rating process that allows you to level up based on having good taste in music and friends with good taste. There are music quests (they aren't mandatory) to complete, something I really enjoy about the site that creates something to do while bored. Its the game.

If you're interested in getting involved let me know and I'll send you an invite. We can be friends on the Sixtyone AND be judgemental together!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday Nights

As most of you probably knew or guessed, I like a drink. I really like a drink on a Friday night with a few friends. Others of you may know what a stressful week I had.
Upon entering the Brotherhood, one of my favorite Oly bars, how do you think I felt when all I could hear was a fat bro screaming things to his friend across the bar? The guy had on some stupid 'i'm trying to be cool, but i'm really a douchebag' t-shirt on along with a sideways hat. What was he doing in this bar? If he wanted to be a douchebag, he could have gone to Charlie's, or Hannah's, or The Royal. I mean, WTF?!?

Also, this bro and his bro buddies were trying to hit up on some beautiful women while still being douchebags. (Do douchebags get the girl IRL?) At some point I cracked and started yelling to my friends about the bros and them being in the bar that I like so much. The Brotherhood is CLEARLY not a bar for bros. My friends thought that I was going to start a fight, I was so angry. Then these guys and the women they were hitting on left together to go to another bar, Charlie's. (thats right, you better run!) I knew because they were yelling about it. Sometimes I hate Olympia.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I got a message from a newbie in Indiana. She wants to go to Evergreen, but is terrified of the weather and also of it not living up to her expectations. Despite my usual attitude towards newbs, I told her the full honest truth. I told her that I like it here and that the weather sucks but not so bad. I told her that the school is good if you are motivated. I portrayed the school with cautious optimism. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! As an upper-classmen I am supposed to HATE FRESHMEN! They just want us to buy them booze, they are soul-suckers. They are so OPTIMISTIC. RAWR

Also, this is very close to home.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Swarm

I've been swarmed with new websites recently by friends who think I'll like them.
Luckily my friends know me pretty well and so I have this huge swarm of websites I've been checking way too frequently.
Here's the list, I think you (my readers) will probably enjoy some of these.

The Sixty-One via Charlie
besides the name and awesome layout, which i dig, the service is nice too. Its like on awesome pills. It's a relatively new website so you can also feel really hip knowing and talking about it. hooray!

Hipster Runoff via Jesse and/or Courtney W.
I've actually been checking this one for a while, but now that I have a steady internet connection again (via iphone) i've been checking it a lot. Carles has a very specific and rediculous sense of humor. Check it out if you like laughing.

Look At That Fucking Hipster via I wanna say Jason (correct me if I'm wrong)

Overheard in New York via I wanna say Jason (correct me if I'm wrong)
This is a website where people hear other people say funny things in New York and then post them on the internet. People say hilarious shit, really hilarious shit.

Picture is Unrelated still might be Jason
picture and a caption hilarity. Way good, but doesn't update much

Saturday, May 9, 2009

KFC, Oprah, and Riots *thumbs up*

On May 6th, 2009, history was made.

KFC barred their doors to the hungry masses, an action that prompted civil disobedience - Civil disobedience that hasn't been seen since the government sponsored racism. WE THE PEOPLE DESIRE GRILLED CHICKEN!

On the 5th, Oprah promised her fans FREE CHICKEN from KFC involving a coupon. Throngs of people came to KFC seeking the sweet flesh of fowl. When paying customers arrived to buy their own chicken, they were halted by the crowd. Many feared for their well-being despite their will to ingest greasy KFC chicken product.

The protestors chanted such uninspired words as, "I'm gonna pee on KFC!" and "Hell no, chicken to go!" The sit-ins were a swift kick in the cloaca for KFC corporate, a force that even the likes of Oprah should not trifle with.

And so began WW3, Oprah vs Colonel Sanders

Make your own KFC sign at

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Drawing Nudes turns into Painting Nudes

We've been drawing nudes in class a lot for the past year and this is the first one to make it to the internet. Its acrylic on watercolor paper.

I've gotten lots of positive feedback about the composition. I hope you like it. I think its my best technical painting so far.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Note to Self

Don't throw parties at the last minute, nobody will be available or want to go. Such is the doom of the 'last minute party.'
This is not to be confused with the 'spontaneous party,' a rare occassion where people randomly appear around each other and begin drinking. 'Spontaneous parties' are one of the most enjoyable types of parties. They are huge piles of awesome with covered in awesome sauce and topped with an awesome cherry.
Generally planning is an integral part of throwing a party. Remember this and heed the words of the Fonz, "'EH-YEEE!!!"

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I got an iPhone yesterday. When it comes down to it, the iphone is cheaper than internet on a month to month basis, although the initial cost was huge, 300 dollars is so much money. That is one hundred beers at the brotherhood or eating out every day for a month. Besides the issue of procrastination, my iPhone is great. People were telling me that the edge internet is slow, but i've not had any problems with it. It is fast enough for me to watch youtube videos and that is plenty. I used to live in freshman dorms on Evergreen campus where you would often have to wait an hour or more to load a youtube video. The battery life is short, but I can charge it when I'm asleep every night. A day long charge is not so bad, my old phone was starting to get there anyways. Thank you Apple, I'm enchanted... yet again.

Taking Things Way Too Seriously

All right, this one goes out to Charlie D

We had powerpoint presentations for class on wednesday of last week where we were being evaluated by our peers. Mine was on sleep deprivation. I got my evaluations and they were ok, all of them besides one. I got to read a page of cold, odd insults which I will now quote:

Did he give a clear and organized presentation? Was it easy to find the main point of supporting points? Did they stick to the main points?
"No. No. Yes. He did not go off-topic." (this is where i started getting a feeling that this person thought they were better than me, complete sentence? come on!)

Explained connection between the research and project?
"No. He did not mention his project." (to be fair, i didn't and almost no one else did either)

Made good use of visual aids?
"Made adequate use. The images could have been better." (btw those images were AWESOME)

Used the time well?

(Here's the best part)
Had good personal demeanor?
"No. He was twitchy, ill groomed, and hesitant. He was not confident."

(Yes, I am twitchy and ill-groomed. They should string me up for that. What, should I get a fucking haircut before I go to do a powerpoint presentation? I couldn't take anything this person had said in the evaluation seriously anymore. Who says that?)

"Fairly. He could not quote sources."
(WTF? I thought we weren't supposed to write out a speech for our presentations. I thought paraphrasing would be good enough.)

What was the best about this presentation?
"The information" (sleep dep is pretty interesting)

One suggestion for improvement?
"He should know his sources and be able to quote them." (and that receives a big 'fuck you' stamp)

is it just me or is it inappropriate to call someone "twitchy and ill-groomed." The first time reading it I was incensed, but then I realized that this person must be upset with me,(is that possible) crazy, or socially retarded to say something like that. I have my theories on whodunnit, but what good is caring about it going to do. If I want to follow the life path of an artist, I need to be prepared to take harsh and ridiculous criticisms. That doesn't mean I can't give those people harsh and ridiculous criticisms right back and in a completely vindictive way. I gave the suspected ridiculing party some scathing criticism. (Allow me to paraphrase: Your presentation felt very canned, make it feel more natural and make us more interested in your topic. kthxbye)

My advice for anyone who wants to fuck with my shit, 'if you can't take the heat, stay out of my fucking kitchen. I cook with a flamethrower.'