Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Home for the Holidays

I wish my entrance was so warm and fuzzy. BTW what amazing advertising, I promise they've got you eating out of their hands whether you know it or not. Folgers in YOUR cup?!?!
So I awoke this fine morning to my celly ringing at 8 in the morning. My first thoughts were, "Damn, it's cold." My mamon called and told me that leaving Oly today would be much better than tomorrow. Its supposed to snow more tomorrow and the roads will only get more and more treacherous. So I got up around 9 and started packing.
Mooshu was sitting in the window looking particularly cuddly and I couldn't help but pet him even though he gets all upset. I made some breakfast and listened to some BJM, too.
When I had a moment I took a gander at the outside world. I live in a winter wonderland at the moment. Snow before Xmas is rare around this part of the sound, but what with GLOBAL WARMING (conspiracy by Al Gore) and all that we can expect all sorts of strange weather. I also had my evaluation for class today. I didn't expect to get all of my credits and such a glowing evaluation, but I did. I'm not complaining. When I got home, my Dad and I witnessed the most amazing thing to happen each year on Bainbridge Island: The Christmas Truck. Witness its glory.

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