Tuesday, December 23, 2008


On Sunday I was told that it would be a good idea to head to Bellevue and do whatever it is I do with my friends. (How can the ability to 'kick it' together be the basis for a set of friendships? Damn my humanity!) They moved out there a month or two ago and had been badgering me about not coming out there and meeting their kitten.
The kitten, Caesar,was maybe the most adorable, smaller - than - a - breadbox creature that has ever hung out around me. I'm sorry I don't have any actual pictures, but allow
me to regale you with a description and story. He looks like a miniature, miniature lion. Very tiny and golden. He is smaller-than-a-breadbox and can easily be held in one hand. Unlike the lion featured here, Caesar will not kill you. He will only climb on you and be adorable. He's also a spoon cat. Now, for those of you who haven't met a spoon cat, a spoon cat is a cat that will spoon with you will sleeping to keep warm but will, by the same virtue, keep you warm. I recommend spoon cats.
When I was playing video games, Caesar would bat at moving things on the screen. Also, he loves longboards and will sit on them at every opportunity. This allows one to 'scoot the kitten and watch him get excited about it.' Finally, after playing for a good 10 or 15 minutes Caesar would become 'tuckered out' and would have to fall asleep. When lying on the edge of the couch falling asleep can by quite treacherous, but even when he fell off, Caesar would land on his feet and promptly hit the ground with the rest of his sleeping body. He also fell asleep sitting/standing up and would fall over. Bottom Line: Adorable kittens.

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