Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Zeitgeist

Searches at - Fastest Rising (U.S.)
1. obama
2. facebook
3. att
4. iphone
5. youtube
6. fox news
7. palin
8. beijing 2008
9. david cook
10. surf the channel

happy end of the year everybody, its finally here!
Less than a month to the end of the year and we can't stop thinking about ourselves. The question is: What is the zeitgeist of 2008?
Here's my thoughts on the google list: (above)

Obama made a big splash, understandably. Everyone seems to think that he will single-handedly save our country from economic collapse. Well, the reality is that he is only a symbol of hope. He inspires the people of our completely feeling-based stock market to keep their money in the stock market and keeps us from despair, but we're the ones who have to get out there and do the work. WE have to fix our world.

Facebook is still a huge deal. I don't know about all of you kids, but the site steals my hours like anarcho-fascists steal hot topic clothing. Don't get me wrong, there is a reason for my addiction, (maybe they should change the name to "Crackbook")social networking is fun and keeps me in the loop even when my class doesn't allow enough time for friends.Hah! I just changed my language to English(pirate).

ATT used to be Cingular, they have really great coverage on the west coast. 'Nuff said. Do people really like looking at phones?

iPhone is another one I don't claim to understand

Youtube is a big deal, it must be, I use it all the time.

Fox News? Hiss...

Palin scares me. I love that everyone turned against her once the election was over. I guess the neo-cons needed a pariah and she took the bait

The Olympics were a big deal, too, what with them being held China and China being the up and coming world power. Michael Phelps kicked ass, I have a similar build with a super long torso and arms and short little legs. I don't look nearly as out of proportion as he does, though.

David Cook is one I had to look up. Fuck American Idol. Really.

Surf the Channel is another one I had to look up. After visiting the site I'm still very confused. Oh, well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surf the Channel is a wonderful little site allowing you to stream videos and tv shows from the web. Also my lifeline for tv shows while I was in London